

(* If only 1 person is requesting, use “Ahaṁ bhante” instead)

*[Mayaṁ] bhante, ti-saraṇena saha pañca lāni yācāma.
Dutiyam-pi *[mayaṁ] bhante, ti-saraṇena saha pañca lāni yācāma.
Tatiyam-pi *[mayaṁ] bhante, ti-saraṇena saha pañca lāni

Venerable Sir, we request the Three Refuges & the Five Precepts.
Venerable Sir, a second time, we request the Three Refuges & the Five Precepts.
Venerable Sir, a third time, we request the Three Refuges & the Five Precepts.

The monk then recites the following passage three times, after which the lay people repeat it three times:

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa (3 times)

Homage to the Blessed One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha! (3 times)

The monk then recites the following passages line by line, with the lay people reciting line by line after him:

Buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.
Saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.

I go to the Buddha for refuge.
I go to the Dhamma for refuge.
I go to the Saṅgha for refuge.

Dutiyam-pi buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.
Dutiyam-pi dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.
Dutiyam-pi saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.

For the second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge.
For the second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge.
For the second time, I go to the Saṅgha for refuge.

Tatiyam-pi buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.
Tatiyam-pi dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.
Tatiyam-pi saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi.

For the third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge.
For the third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge.
For the third time, I go to the Saṅgha for refuge.

Group Request

Ratanattaye pamādena, dvārattayena kataṁ,
Sabbaṁ aparādhaṁ khamatu no bhante. (3 times)

May the Triple Gem forgive us for any wrong we have done to it out of heedlessness in thought, word, or deed. (3 times)

(If only requesting forgiveness from triple gem, bow three times)

Individual Request

Ratanattaye pamādena, dvārattayena kataṁ,
Sabbaṁ aparādhaṁ khamatha me bhante. (3 times)

May the Triple Gem forgive us for any wrong I have done to it out of heedlessness in thought, word, or deed. (3 times)

(If only requesting forgiveness from triple gem, bow three times)

Group Request

(* Use:
“Mahāthere” for 20 vassas and above.
There” for 10 – 19 vassas,
“Upajjhāye” for one’s preceptor,
“Ācariye” for one’s teacher, and
“Āyasmante” for monks in general.)

*[Āyasmante] pamādena, dvārattayena kataṁ,
Sabbaṁ aparādhaṁ khamatu no bhante. (3 times)

Venerable Sir, may you forgive us for any wrong we have done to you out of heedlessness in thought, word, or deed. (3 times)

Bow down & stay there while the monk says:

Ahaṁ khamāmi, tumhehi-pi me khamitabbaṁ.

I forgive you; may all of you also forgive me.


Khamāma bhante.

We forgive you, Venerable Sir.

The monk will then recite a blessing, after which all lay people say:

dhu bhante.

Good, Venerable Sir.

(If only requesting forgiveness from the monk, bow three times)

Individual Request

(* Use:
“Mahāthere” for 20 vassas and above.
There” for 10 – 19 vassas,
“Upajjhāye” for one’s preceptor,
“Ācariye” for one’s teacher, and
“Āyasmante” for monks in general.)

*[Āyasmante] pamādena, dvārattayena kataṁ,
Sabbaṁ aparādhaṁ khamatha me bhante. (3 times)

Venerable Sir, may you forgive me for any wrong I have done to you out of heedlessness in thought, word, or deed. (3 times)

Bow down & stay there while the monk says:

Ahaṁ khamāmi, tayāpi me khamitabbaṁ.

I forgive you; may you also forgive me.


Khamāmi bhante.

I forgive you, Venerable Sir.

The monk will then recite a blessing, after which all lay people say:

dhu bhante.

Good, Venerable Sir.

(If only requesting forgiveness from the monk, bow three times)